The Development of Local History Instructional Model by Using Oral History to Enhance Historical Empathy for Secondary Students

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Sawitree Chodok
Orapin Sirisamphan


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop the local instructional model by using oral history to enhance historical empathy for secondary students and 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the local instructional model by using oral history to enhance historical empathy for secondary students.  The population of this research was the students in the tenth grade of Paknamchumphon Wittaya school during the first semester of the 2021 academic year, who had studied the subject of local history as an additional course in the field of history. This research applied the process of research and development (R&D) and collaboration with the instructional system design (ADDIE model). The instruments of this research included, lesson plans, and achievement test on the subject of local history, an evaluation form of historical empathy for secondary students and student satisfaction questionnaires. The data were analyzed by mean () standard deviation (S.D.) analyzing achievement test after learning with the instruction model was higher than before learning with the instructional model at .05 level and content analysis.  The finding of the research revealed as the following: 1) The local instructional model by using oral history to enhance historical empathy for secondary students was named “ECCA Model” and had an index of objective congruence (IOC) between 0.75 – 1.00. It’s consisted of 4 components: principles,  objectives, learning process involves 4 steps, namely  1.1) Engage in the local historical empathy (E) 1.2) Construct an image of the local historical empathy (C) 1.3) Construct the local historical understanding (C) 1.4) After learning review the local historical empathy (A)and condition related with instructional model implementation, which was social system, support system, and responsiveness.  2) The study of the effectiveness of the local instructional model by using oral history revealed that 2.1) The student’s achievement test in the subject of local history after learning with the instruction model was higher than before learning with the instructional model at .05 level  2.2) The development of historical empathy for the students was increased respectively 2.3) Student’s satisfaction toward the instructional model was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chodok, S., & Sirisamphan, O. . (2022). The Development of Local History Instructional Model by Using Oral History to Enhance Historical Empathy for Secondary Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 57–77. Retrieved from
Research Article


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