The Development of Cultural Tourism of Route along of Thai Diaspora in Singkhon –Tanao Sri and Myeik Livelihoods

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Kanchana Boonsong
Uamporn Topanurakkun
Chananuch Ngerntong


The development of cultural tourism routes for Thai Diaspora communities of Singkhon-Tanintharyi and Myeik aims to 1) study the potential of cultural tourism sites of Thai diaspora communities in Singkhon- Tanintharyi and Myeik and 2) develop cultural tourism routes of Thai communities, Singkhon-Tanintharyi Diaspora. The research methodology was divided into 3 steps. The first step was to study related documents and research. The second step was to study the potential of cultural tourism sites of the diaspora communities in Singkhon-Tanintharyi and Myeik. There are 21 informants who were the community leaders of the villages of Singkhon- Tanintharyi and Myeik. The methods for collecting information were surveying the area, non-participant observation and in-depth interviews, which included in-depth interviews, field notes and audio recordings. Verification of the credibility of the informants used a three-dimensional data validation method. The analysis of the data was based on content analysis. The third step was to develop cultural tourism routes for Thai diaspora communities in Singkhon-Tanintharyi and Myeik. The sample was 12 tourists which was obtained by specific selection. The research instrument was the tourist satisfaction survey on cultural tourism of the Singkhon-Tanintharyi and Myeik Diaspora Thai communities which was is a 5-level estimation scale with a confidence value of 0.891. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation. The results of the research indicate that: 1) 3 villages, Singkhon, Laem Yuan and Muk Phong have the potential for development into cultural tourism sites 2) there is a route classified appropriate for a 3-days cultural program. The tourist satisfaction assessment of the Singkhon-Tanintharyi and Myeik diaspora communities overall was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Boonsong, K. . ., Topanurakkun, U. ., & Ngerntong, C. . . (2022). The Development of Cultural Tourism of Route along of Thai Diaspora in Singkhon –Tanao Sri and Myeik Livelihoods. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 124–134. Retrieved from
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