The Development of Mixed Digital - Skill Exercises Media on “Think in Thai - Write in English” to Solve the Problems of English Sentences Written in Grammatical Structure of Thai Language for the First-year English-majored Undergraduate Education Student

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Sarita Buakhieo


The purposes of this research were to: 1) compare first-year English-majored undergraduates’ ability in writing basic English sentences before and after learning using mixed digital - skill exercises media;  2) develop and assess the efficiency of  mixed digital-skill exercises media on “Think in Thai - Write in English” to meet the standard criterion of 70/70; and 3) explore students’ opinions towards the mixed digital - skill exercises media. The participants were 19 first-year English-majored undergraduate education students at Phetchaburi Rajabhat University who enrolled in the English Structure for English Teacher course and scored lower than 50 percent on the pre-test. The research instruments consisted of: 1) mixed digital - skill exercises media on “Think in Thai - Write in English”; 2) lesson plans; 3) pre- and post-test, and 4) a questionnaire about students' opinions towards the mixed digital - skill exercises media. The data analysis employed percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The hypothesis was tested by Pair-Samples t-test. The findings were as follows: 1) the students’ ability in writing basic English sentences after learning through the mixed digital - skill exercises media was higher than before at the .01 level of statistical significance; 2) the efficiency of skill exercises was at 76.48/66.53, which met the criteria set at 70/70 and E1 was higher than the criterion. However, E2 was 5 percent lower than the criterion which, according to the theory, is acceptable; and 3) the students’ satisfaction towards the mixed digital - skill exercises media on “Think in Thai - Write in English” was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Buakhieo, S. . (2022). The Development of Mixed Digital - Skill Exercises Media on “Think in Thai - Write in English” to Solve the Problems of English Sentences Written in Grammatical Structure of Thai Language for the First-year English-majored Undergraduate Education Student. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(2), 15–30. Retrieved from
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