The Application of New Government Management under the Thailand 4.0 Policy of Royal Police Cadet Academy, Samphran Subdistrict, Samphran District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Punyawat Homkong
Nittaya Sintao


This research aimed to study: (1) the level of application of new government management of Royal Police Cadet Academy, (2) Thailand 4.0 policy level in the management of Royal Police Cadet Academy, and (3) Thailand 4.0 policy in management that has a causal relationship with the application of new government administration at Royal Police Cadet Academy. The sample consisted of 130 police officers working at Royal Police Cadet Academy, Samphran subdistrict, Samphran district, Nakhon Pathom province. They were selected by stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics were Chi-square test and multiple regression analysis. Research results showed that: (1) Application of new government management of Royal Police Cadet Academy in overall and in each aspect was at a high level., (2) Thailand 4.0 policy in the management of Royal Police Cadet Academy in overall and in each aspect was at a high level, and (3) Thailand 4.0 policy on technology had a causal relationship with the application of new government administration at the 0.01 statistical significance level, and in the creative aspect, there was a causal relationship with the application of new government administration at the 0.05 statistical significance level.

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How to Cite
Homkong, P., & Sintao, N. (2022). The Application of New Government Management under the Thailand 4.0 Policy of Royal Police Cadet Academy, Samphran Subdistrict, Samphran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(2), 107–122. retrieved from
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