Guidelines for Developing Infrastructure Public Services of Phetchaburi Provincial Administrative Organization

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Khwanruthai Sinturos
Nittaya Sintao


This mixed methods research aimed to study: 1) the efficiency level of infrastructure public services of Phetchaburi Provincial Administrative Organization, 2) casual relationships between factors related to infrastructure public services and the infrastructure public services, and 3) guidelines for developing infrastructure public services. The samples used in this study were 400 Phetchaburi residents, aged 18 years and over, and 8 key informants. The descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods used in for the data analysis were frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, and Multiple Regression. The research results were as the followings: 1) the efficiency level of infrastructure public services was rated at a high level, 2) the factors related to infrastructure public services; in terms of continuous service and progressive service, and equitable service and ample service had causal relationships with the efficiency level of infrastructure public service at the statistic significant levels of 0.001 and 0.01 respectively, and 3) guidelines for developing infrastructure public services in the areas of: public guide book, quality of services, equitable service with systematically and transparency, internet service, fast track service, complex process reduction service, one-stop service, cost reduction, and budgetary management should be improved.

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How to Cite
Sinturos, K. ., & Sintao, N. (2022). Guidelines for Developing Infrastructure Public Services of Phetchaburi Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(2), 123–133. retrieved from
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