The Representations of Phaya Ngam Mueang in the Panegyric Literature “Lilit Phaya Ngam Mueang”
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This article studies the representations of Phaya Ngam Mueang in the panegyric poem “Lilit Phaya Ngam Mueang”. The findings revealed that the poet adopted the biographical elements from various sources and deliberately chose to include or exclude certain details of Phaya Ngam Mueang's life in the poem. The humiliating situations were ameliorated while the triumphant ones were highlighted and were combined with local legends as to promote favorable representations of Phaya Ngam Mueang. This strategy ultimately generates five key representations of Phaya Ngam Mueang, as a warrior king, a virtuous king, a majestic king, a ruler king, and lastly as a lover. These particular representations of the past king are possibly a reflection of the current ideology and discourse of a virtuous king and the king as the Father of the Land.
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