Development of Local Food Database in Phetchaburi Province
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This research aimed to: 1) develop a database for local food in Phetchaburi province 2) evaluate the efficiency of the database and 3) evaluate the users’ satisfaction with the database. The samples were 3 staff involved with the database administration of the Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology at Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, and 369 users of the Database for local food in Phetchaburi province. The research tools were 1) the database for local food in Phetchaburi province 2) a form for evaluating the efficiency of the database and 3) a form for evaluating the users’ satisfaction with the database. The data were analyzed with Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation. The results were as follows: 1) the database for local food in Phetchaburi province was developed by using PHP language to connect with the database, MySQL to manage the database, and XAMPP as a server simulator for searching through the internet 2) The evaluation of the efficiency of the database for local food in Phetchaburi province was found that the overall score was at a good level; ranging in descending order of means as the design aspect, usage aspect, and information aspect respectively and 3) the evaluation of the users’ satisfaction with the database for local food in Phetchaburi province overall was at a high level; ranging in descending order of means as the design aspect, usage aspect, and information aspect respectively.
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