The Development of Education on Sufficiency Economy and Upgrading General Education Subject on the King's Philosophy of Rajabhat University to the 21st Century: Grassroots Economy Recovery, Supporting for Climate Change, Laying the Foundation of Entrepren

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Teerasak Sukhsantikamol
Nuttakan Phachan
Rungaroon Piyarit
Siriwan Prachprayoon


The objectives of this study were to 1) investigate the best way to develop and promote knowledge and understanding of the principles of the sufficiency economy philosophy; 2) study the ways to enhance the general education subject of “King’s Philosophy” into a skillset for learning in the 21st century; and 3) study the ways to promote the learning resources based on the King’s Philosophy for sustainable economic development at the local grass-roots level and to drive innovation communities to become self-reliant entrepreneurs who can help society. The target groups included 10 educational administrators, 30 students registered in the King's Philosophy course, and 15 individuals related to learning resources based on the King’s Philosophy. The research tools used included structured questionnaires, interviews, and data synthesis. The research results found that: 1) developing and promoting knowledge and understanding of the application of the principles of the King’s Philosophy and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy has created knowledge and enabled people to apply it in their daily lives through learning management in both traditional and online classrooms, as well as accessing learning resources outside of the classroom. This has allowed learners to develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. 2) The strategy for improving the subject of “The King’s Philosophy” at Phetchaburi Rajabhat University started with adjusting education management policies to ensure that every student learned about the King's Philosophy and the subject was promoted to the public more extensively by creating learning networks and focusing on integrated learning management with local communities and learning resources in the King’s Philosophy. As a result, “The King’s Philosophy” will be elevated to a higher level. 3) The strategy for promoting and driving the learning of the King’s Philosophy in the local community includes driving university policies, networks, academic service projects, student teacher-training programs, social engineer programs, community prototypes, and technology and innovation.

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How to Cite
Sukhsantikamol, T. ., Phachan, N., Piyarit, R. ., & Prachprayoon, S. (2023). The Development of Education on Sufficiency Economy and Upgrading General Education Subject on the King’s Philosophy of Rajabhat University to the 21st Century: Grassroots Economy Recovery, Supporting for Climate Change, Laying the Foundation of Entrepren. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(2), 56–76. Retrieved from
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