Sustainable Community-Based Tourism Management at Ban Huai Hom, Huai Hom Sub-district, Mae La Noi District, Mae Hong Son Province

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Chiratthitti Santayot
Nipa Watawanichkul
Janejira Rattanapian
Arphaphat Banjong
Thitima Watanyukunakorn


The purpose of this research was to study the operation and development of community-based tourism management at Ban Huai Hom, Huai Hom sub-district, Mae La Noi district, Mae Hong Son Province. The total number of research population were 376 people. The samples of the research population were the head of the family in the household of 105 households, and the sample group were people involved in CBT of 10 people including municipal mayor, sub-district administrative organization members, community tourism coordinator, philosopher in the community, village headman, village headman's assistant, agricultural group, homestay group, weaving group and agricultural products processing group. The topics in the study were consisted of 4 major aspects which were natural resources and culture, community organization, management and learning. The results of the study revealed that the factors affecting on community-based tourism management operations at Ban Huai Hom were 1) number of tourists visiting, 2) the community’s increase income and fair income distribution, 3) the community’s better quality life, 4) environmental conservation in the community, 5) preserving local arts and culture. However, the key elements that affected the sustainable community based tourism management were 1) strategic planning of those involved in the community, 2) management of tourism resources in terms of natural beauty and cultural heritage, 3) service quality management, 4) community leadership, 5) social capital, and 6) The support from external organizations both the public and private sectors.

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How to Cite
Santayot, C. ., Watawanichkul, N. ., Rattanapian, J. ., Banjong, A. ., & Watanyukunakorn, T. (2023). Sustainable Community-Based Tourism Management at Ban Huai Hom, Huai Hom Sub-district, Mae La Noi District, Mae Hong Son Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(2), 170–185. Retrieved from
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