Cultural worldview from Petchaburi local literature

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Phrakrupalad Prapan Surakaro
Natawut Klaisuwan


This academic article aimed at studying the cultural worldview from Petchaburi local literature. The result showed the cultural worldview in 2 dimensions which were 1) religion and 2) folklife. The religious worldview reflected that Buddhism was a part of living in daily life. This meant before doing any business should remind the graces of Buddhism concepts (Buddha, Dharma, Monk), parents, and teachers. Buddhist concepts, especially morals and ethics, there were teaching to take care of teacher, be diligent, and  associated with good friends. Cultural worldview on folk ways reflects that government officials are involved in Breweries and casinos operated by Chinese people. Thai people like to marry Chinese people. Chinese and Thai people work as traders. The women of Ban Samo Phlue work as weavers and people in Phetchaburi make a living by making sugar for the perspective of people from different areas, such as Krom Phra Rajawang Bowonwichaichan realized that Phetchaburi enjoy Phetchaburi people as enjoy watching dramas because they expressed Delights while they were watching Wang Na's dramas

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How to Cite
Surakaro, P. P. ., & Klaisuwan, N. . (2024). Cultural worldview from Petchaburi local literature. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 26(1), 166–181. Retrieved from
Research Article


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