State and Needs for Learning Management in Next Era of Phrapathom Witthayalai School’s Teachers in Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom

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Nitchpanida Pengnam
Sumit Suwan


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current conditions of learning management among teachers at Phra Pathom Witthayalai School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom and 2) to examine the needs for next-generation learning management of the teachers. This study employed a mixed-methods research approach (Mixed Methods). The sample consisted of 127 teachers selected through stratified random sampling based on subject groups, with the sample size determined using the Krejcie and Morgan table. Participants in the focus group discussion included 10 individuals: one deputy director and nine teachers. The research instruments included a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, with items having an index of item-objective congruence (IOC) of 0.50 or higher. All items in the questionnaire had IOC values ranging from 0.67 to 1.00. The reliability value, measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient method, was found to be 0.98. The focus group was guided by prepared discussion topics. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation (S.D.), and content analysis. Findings: 1) the current conditions of next-era learning management among teachers at Phra Pathom Witthayalai School were rated at a high level overall. Among the specific aspects, the supporting factors, structure, and learning atmosphere received the highest mean score, followed by curriculum and instruction and assessment of learning management, 2) the needs for learning management were also rated at a high level overall. Among the specific aspects, the supporting factors, structure, and learning atmosphere received the highest mean score followed by assessment of learning management and curriculum and instruction.

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How to Cite
Pengnam, N. ., & Suwan, S. . (2024). State and Needs for Learning Management in Next Era of Phrapathom Witthayalai School’s Teachers in Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 26(2), 192–209. retrieved from
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