Integrative Mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity Creation : A Case Study of Khongyai Chanthaburi Province

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chuwong ubalee


Study of integrative mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity creation: a case study of Khongyai Chanthaburi Province. The Purposes of this study were: 1) To integrative mechanism survival of Cambodian for conservation of Bio-Diversity and 2) Factor of integrative mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity creation. The study was a qualitative research collect data by document research and interview. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Mechanic was significant capital affect to integrative mechanism survival of Cambodian for conservation of Bio-Diversity including capital of natural resources and environment and capital of social and culture 2) Factors of integrative mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity creation were network of family relationship and social relationship system, consist of subsistence economic was integrative mechanism survival of Cambodian. Factor of destroy to integrative mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity creation was state of war.

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How to Cite
ubalee, chuwong. (2020). Integrative Mechanism between Ethnic Diversity and Bio-Diversity Creation : A Case Study of Khongyai Chanthaburi Province. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 1(1), 1–13. retrieved from
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