Factor Affecting Development of Transplanting Rice Seedings in Nongchim Sub-districts, Leamsing District, Chanthaburi Province.

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เชษฐ์ณรัช อรชุุน
ณัฐทิยา ยงตาบ
นฤมล เกิดลาภ
สาวิตรี ชุ่มฟอง
ยงยุทธ รูปแก้ว
วิทยา จันทรารักษ์
ศิววิทย์ บุรพกรณ์


The research was Factors Affecting Development of Transplanting Rice Seedlings in Nongchim Sub-district, Leamsingh District, Chanthaburi Province. The purposes were to study factors affecting development of transplanting rice seedlings in Nongchim Sub-district, Leamsingh District, Chanthaburi Province, and the trend of transplanting rice seedlings in the future at Nongchim Sub-district, Leamsingh District, Chanthaburi Province. The area sample was selected by study by purposive sampling.

The researcher used qualitative research. The research tools were in-depth interviews, participant observations and non-participant observations. The data were collected using the triangulation technique. The data were analyzed using means of a descriptive analysis.

The finding showed that 1) factors affecting development of transplanting rice seedlings in Nongchim Sub-district, Leamsingh District, Chanthaburi Province as the follows : 1) Technology, ecology, and economic 2) transplanting rice seedlings tend will in the future doing farm in the area will tend to decrease because no inheritors from the new generation and economy problem within the household makes villagers has earning a living does the farm decreas.

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How to Cite
อรชุุน เ., ยงตาบ ณ. ., เกิดลาภ น. . ., ชุ่มฟอง ส. . ., รูปแก้ว ย., จันทรารักษ์ ว. ., & บุรพกรณ์ ศ. (2021). Factor Affecting Development of Transplanting Rice Seedings in Nongchim Sub-districts, Leamsing District, Chanthaburi Province. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 1(2), 1–10. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husorbrujournal/article/view/244366
Research Article
Author Biographies

ณัฐทิยา ยงตาบ, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social, Sciences Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

นฤมล เกิดลาภ , Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

สาวิตรี ชุ่มฟอง, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

ยงยุทธ รูปแก้ว, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

วิทยา จันทรารักษ์, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University 

ศิววิทย์ บุรพกรณ์ , Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student, Political Sciences  Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University 


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