The Study of Origin of Thai Idioms in the Literature of Si Phaen Din.

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Jakkrit Ditthachot
Praguykeaw Rerkwiang
Kanokwan Wareeket


The objective of this research was to study the origin of Thai idioms in the literature of Si Phaen Din. The researchers used the criteria of KanchanaKhampha (2016) to classify the origin of Thai idioms. Eighty Thai idioms in total were found in the literature of Si Phaen Din. The results of the study showed that there are 11 types of Thai idiom origins which are derived from 1)  the way of life, 2) behaviors, 3) crops, food, and utensils, 4) religions, 5) tales, legends, literature, chronicles, and history, 6) games, sports, and competitions, 7) the use of various parts of the body, 8) custom, beliefs, and traditions, 9) natural environment, 10) the observation of animal manners and behaviors, and 11) actions. The Two origins of words including the observation of animal behaviors and manners and the use of various body parts were most frequently found.

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How to Cite
Ditthachot, J. ., Rerkwiang, P. ., & Wareeket, K. . (2020). The Study of Origin of Thai Idioms in the Literature of Si Phaen Din. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 1(1), 49–60. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Jakkrit Ditthachot, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

Student, Thai Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Praguykeaw Rerkwiang, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

Student, Thai Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kanokwan Wareeket, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University

Lecturere, Thai Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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