Guidelines for Conducting Research Projects under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560

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ประสิทธิ์ นนทะเสน


The research entitled “Guidelines for Conducting Research Projects under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560” aimed to 1) study guidelines for conducting research projects under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560, and 2) propose the recommendations to researchers and organizations allocating research scholarships by specifying stakeholders and providing information, namely researchers, research scholarship recipients, supply officers, finance officers from the departments within Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. The research results revealed  that the knowledge and understanding of the personnel of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University on the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560 and related regulations in 3 aspects, including 1) knowledge and understanding of the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act,  B.E. 2560, 2) knowledge and understanding of Regulation of the Ministry of Finance on Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act,  B.E. 2560 and 3)knowledge and understanding of procurement procedures was at a moderate level ( = 2.72), accounted for 54.40%. This indicated that the personnel were ready to develop the research project preparation process under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560. The relevant departments must develop the process in accordance with the management under the research project and research funding sources. Also, the process must be flexible when researchers have to work in the field. The university should adhere to the guidelines of the most urgent letter: Gor Korn      (Gor Wor Jor) 0405.2 / Wor 122 dated March 9, 2018 regarding understanding of practices related to procurement for research and development or academic service provision so that research projects can be conducted under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560 in order to maximize the benefits as specified in the research objectives.

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How to Cite
นนทะเสน ป. (2021). Guidelines for Conducting Research Projects under the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act, B.E. 2560. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 2(1), 15–22. Retrieved from
Research Article


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