Creating Economic Security with Ecotourism Management: A Case study at Ban Thung Phel, Chaman Sub-district, Makham District, Chanthaburi Province

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จุฑามาศ จันทเลิศ
ฐิติมา สมทรง
สุพัชรี รอบโลก


The objectives of the research were to study factors causing economic insecurity,and to study a creation of economic security with ecotourism management at Bab Thung Phel, Creating Economic Security with Ecotourism Management : A Case study at Ban Thung Phel,Chaman Sub – District,Makham District,Chanthaburi Province The reseaech was a qualitative research. The study found that the factors that caused economic insecurity at Ban Thung Phel Creating Economic Security with Ecotourism Management : A Case study at Ban Thung Phel,Chaman Sub – District,Makham District,Chanthaburi Province was capitalism. The factors were monoculture,an gricutural system of growing a single crop or plant species in a wide area, which was very popular used in the area to increase productivity and profit.The creation of economic security with ecotourism management at Ban Thung Phel, Creating Economic Security with Ecotourism Management: A Case study at Ban Thung Phel,Chaman Sub – District,Makham District,Chanthaburi  Province was offering activities between tourists and Thung Phel Community Enterprise to attract more tourists.

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How to Cite
จันทเลิศ จ., สมทรง ฐ., & รอบโลก ส. (2021). Creating Economic Security with Ecotourism Management: A Case study at Ban Thung Phel, Chaman Sub-district, Makham District, Chanthaburi Province. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 2(1), 23–31. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

สุพัชรี รอบโลก, คณะมนุษย์ศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏรำไพพรรณี



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