Community Strengthening of Ban Nam Sai, Thun Bencha. Sub-District Tamai District Chanthaburi Province.

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Yongyod Keawyok
Wararak Yunyong
สุภาภรณ์ ชุมสาย


The Objective of articles on the strengthening of Ban Nam Sai community Thung Bencha Sub-District, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province were to  study the factors affecting the strength of Ban Nam Sai community. Thung Benja Sub-District, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province and to study the management process of Ban Nam Sai community Thung Benja Sub-District, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province The researcher studied with a  qualitative method. By studying documents, In-depth interviews with two key contributors and a non-participant observation. The study found that factors affecting the strength of Ban Nam Sai Community consisted of community leadership factors, public participation factors community learning, local wisdom and community culture, natural resource and environmental factors And support factors from government agency and private organizations factors. The most important factor affecting the strength of Ban Nam Sai Community was participation local people because people were the main force that would drive the village to develop. The management process of Ban Nam Sai Community was the 5 theories and 23 principles of His Majesty King Rama IX's Work.. The 5 theory were created by local people in order to support sustainably community strength help promote and support the community to achieve sustainable strength.

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How to Cite
Keawyok, Y. ., Yunyong ว., & ชุมสาย ส. (2021). Community Strengthening of Ban Nam Sai, Thun Bencha. Sub-District Tamai District Chanthaburi Province. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 2(1), 32–43. Retrieved from
Research Article


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