The Transmission of Ranat Ek Playing Techniques in Accordance with the Guidelines by Khru Suebsak Duriyapraneet.
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This research paper is a presentation of knowledge on the transmission of ranat ek playing techniques following the approach of Khru Subsak Duriyapaneet. The research was conducted by collecting essential information from related secondary resources, along with personal interviews with people directly associated with Khru Subsak Duriyapaneet. The objective of this research is to present the Khru Subsak Duriyapaneet’s approach in ranat ek playing techniques, which is unique in various aspects. The author hopes that this work will benefit the academic circles in the field of Thai music in the future. The results of the study showed that the techniques according to Khru Subsak Duriyapaneet’s approach consists of 4 important issues: 1) the aspect of the teacher—Subsak Duriyapraneet was a merciful teacher to his students, 2) the aspect of the learner—all students of Subsak Duriyapraneet are attentive, diligent, patient, and play a role in inheriting the knowledge of Khru Subsak Duriyapraneet, 3) the transmission process—divided into 6 issues, namely accepting disciples, characteristics of holding a mallet, sitting position while playing, various ranat skill practices, practices using Mun lung and sathu-karn songs, and other solo songs for the ranat ek, and 4) the aesthetic development—learners understand the aesthetics of music and always have the freedom to develop and create new things.
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