Structure and Meaning of Chinese Slang

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Settaporn Ruangtiang


The objectives of this research were to study Chinese slang structure and Chinese slang meaning. The research was documentary research to study 201 slangs in '1001 Idioms, Proverbs, and Slang Book'. The findings indicated that there were three types of Chinese slangs found in the books: words, phrases or clauses, and sentences. In terms of word formation of Chinese slang, there were various and different tactics such as compound word, reduplication, and etc. Chinese slang reflected the culture in 5 aspects as follows: 1. the thoughts and attitudes of the speakers, 2. social stigma behavior, 3. the status of people, 4.The habitation, and 5 the influence of entertainment media.

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Ruangtiang, S. (2022). Structure and Meaning of Chinese Slang. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 3(2). Retrieved from
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