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ธีรยุทธ สมตน


Abstract in Thai unavailable

Legal Problems Concerning the Revocation of the Right to Vote

This study aims to research on election laws and the revocation of the right to vote, Furthermore, this research also focuses on the comparison between the issue on the revocation of the right to vote in Thailand and other countries. From the research, it illustrates that the Constitution and the organic law of the Constitution concerning election activities with 27 sections who violate election laws. However, this measure as it stands does not take into account the appropriateness of such a measure in given circumstances, or the degree of seriousness of said violations before it can be justifiably applied. In some case so violent have to dissolve the party, revoke chief of the party and the executive committee, as show in section 237 of the Constitution. The election and the revocation of the right to vote in most of the western countries intends to make offenders repent and to protect fairness in election. There are various methods to punish the offenders depending on cultures and traditions in each country. In Thailand, the revocation of the right to vote was first emerged in the Election Act B.E 2475. Nowadays the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand empowers the Constitution Court and Justice Court and so on the Election Committee to revoke the right to vote. This does affect public order. Consequently, this work would like to suggest that the electoral law should be implemented relying on the decentralization and the relevant laws should be improved, because the election and court procedures should be expeditious, honest and fair.

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