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Abstract in Thai unavailable

Brokerage of Carbon Credit Trading

This paper aims to study on the contract broker carbon credits. The study focuses on the issue of carbon credits, the problem of enforcement, and interpretation of the law. Comparable to the commission by law under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand is also important. To the results obtained from the study of law to be adopted in the deployment. Interpretation of contract law and brokerage of carbon credits. To be clear consistent with the spirit of the law applicable in the present and in the future as appropriate. And to give protection to all parties can be very powerful. The study found that there are currently no laws that are certified as well as a mechanism for trading carbon credits. And provisions in the brokerage of carbon credits, but it will clearly have a legal commission under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand in force today. Where such provisions are provided for by the provisions do not require detailed information about the criteria for law enforcement clearly. Therefore it is necessary to rely on relevant and comparable laws in force and relies on the interpretation of provisions of law, including the need to consider the essence of the academic. The judgment of the Supreme Court of Thailand with the provisions relating to the commission of international law is important.

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