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เยาวณี เสมอวงษ์
บรรพต วิรุณราช
ทักษญา สง่าโยธิน


This research was designed as the mixed-method research involving the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Its purpose was to study of the desirable characteristics of women leaders in Lao PDR. The data collecting methods were in-depth interviews and the use of a questionnaire. The key informants for in-depth interviews were 13 high level executives at the policy or administrative levels of departments or ministries, all of which were purposively selected. The research sample for data collecting via the questionnaire consisted of 400 practitioners in public or private organizations in Lao PDR, all of which were selected by convenience sampling. The data were analyzed using basic statistics including the frequency, percentage, and mean. The research results revealed that the desirable characteristics of female leaders in Lao PDR consisted of 24 traits that received the overall expected rating mean at the high level (("X " ) ̅ = 4.11). When the traits were ranked from top to bottom, it was found that highest rated traits were (1) honesty (("X " ) ̅= 4.40), (2) morality (("X " ) ̅= 4.36), and (3) creating unity (("X " ) ̅= 4.31); while the highly rated traits were (4) diligence (("X " ) ̅= 4.21), (5) responsibility (("X " ) ̅= 4.20), (6) success-oriented (("X " ) ̅= 4.20), (7) social participation (("X " ) ̅= 4.20), (8) reliability (("X " ) ̅= 4.18), (9) problem solving ability (("X " ) ̅= 4.18), (10) meticulousness (("X " ) ̅= 4.18), (11) good planning (("X " ) ̅= 4.15), (12) sincerity (("X " ) ̅= 4.12), (13) perseverance (("X " ) ̅= 4.11), (14) expertise (("X " ) ̅= 4.11), (15) decision making skill (("X " ) ̅= 4.09), (16) knowledge and capability (("X " ) ̅= 4.06), (17) persuasion skill (("X " ) ̅= 4.05), (18) diplomatic skill (("X " ) ̅= 4.03), (19) counseling skill (("X " ) ̅= 4.02), (20) self-confidence (("X " ) ̅= 3.96), (21) systematic management skill (("X " ) ̅= 3.96), (22) language skills (("X " ) ̅= 3.82), (23) good education (("X " ) ̅= 3.77), and (24) power and authority (("X " ) ̅= 3.71).

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How to Cite
เสมอวงษ์ เ., วิรุณราช บ., & สง่าโยธิน ท. (2018). A STUDY OF THE DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN LEADERS IN LAO PDR. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(2), 80–90. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/112155


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