A Management Model to Develop Desirable Characteristics of Students with the Use of Boy Scout Activities
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The main objective of this research was to present a management model to develop effective desirable characteristics of students with utilization of Boy Scout activities. The research process comprised 4 steps: (1) the review of documents and research literature related to theories and concepts of management to develop desirable characteristics of students and the interviews of 7 educational administration experts; (2) the development of a drafted management model to develop desirable characteristics of students with utilization of Boy Scout activities and then submitting the drafted model for verification and improvement by 10 experts who participated in a focus group discussion; (3) the pilot try-out of the improved model in Ban Mueang Bang School, Wang Ban sub-district, Lom Kao district, Phetchabun province during the 2014 - 2015 academic years, and then evaluating the teachers’ and students’ satisfaction with the model; and (4) the revision and improvement of the model based on results of the try-out and recommendations of 17 experts involving in a focus group discussion.
The research results revealed that (1) the developed management model to develop effective desirable characteristics of students with utilization of Boy Scout activities was composed of five main components, namely, the environmental context of the school, the mental study activities to enhance positive intelligence, the good relationship, the realization of self-values and values of the others, and the self-conduct as a good model; (2) there were 20 sub-components of the model; and (3) the total number of 147 Boy Scout activities to develop eight desirable characteristics of the students, namely, (3.1) the love for the nation, religion, and monarchy; (3.2) honesty; (3.3) discipline; (3.4) enthusiasm for learning; (3.5) sufficient living; (3.6) work commitment; (3.7) the love for Thainess; and (3.8) public-mindedness.
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