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เปรมฤดี จิตรเกื้อกูล
พัชรา ตันติประภา
ภัทริยา ตันสุหัช
วรัท วินิท


The purposes of this research were to examine the mediation effect of brand credibility on the relationship between brand familiarity and brand attitude towards green products, and to study the effects of brand familiarity and brand credibility on attitude towards green products. The research data were collected from 830 students of AA University (AAU; a pseudo name) by convenience sampling. The results of the study indicated that brand familiarity had direct effect on brand credibility and brand credibility had positive relationship with brand attitude. Furthermore, brand credibility had partial mediation effect on relationship between brand familiarity and brand attitude which was significant at the .01 level.

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จิตรเกื้อกูล เ., ตันติประภา พ., ตันสุหัช ภ., & วินิท ว. (2018). THE MEDIATING ROLE OF BRAND CREDIBILITY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BRAND FAMILIARITY AND BRAND ATTITUDE OF GREEN PRODUCT. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(1), 72–82. Retrieved from


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