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พรพรรณ เหมะพันธุ์
จันทรานุช มหากาญจนะ


Objectives of this research are: (1) to identify the key stakeholders involving with the local government organizations in sustainable tourism development (STD); (2) to explore key determinants of stakeholder participation in STD activities; and (3) to formulate recommendations on how to enhance stakeholder participation initiated by local government organizations. The results indicated that the key stakeholders were those who possess at least two attributes of power and legitimacy while social capital and political trust or distrust were key determinants influencing participation of both key and relevant stakeholders. An interesting finding in this research was the local government trustworthiness as the mediator variable that linked the relationship between social and political trusts. The recommendations for local government organizations are to enhance trustworthiness through transparency and accountability, to create social capital networks involving various stakeholder groups, and to promote public awareness on benefits of participation among local residents.

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เหมะพันธุ์ พ., & มหากาญจนะ จ. (2018). DETERMINANTS OF STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF ACTIVE BEACH DESTINATIONS IN THAILAND. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(1), 103–114. Retrieved from


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