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รุจิเรข โกมินทรชาติ
ชื่นชนก โควินท์


This research aimed to study the capital changing of Inpaeng Network. The methodology of the research was qualitative research. The researchers used the four aspects concept based on the review of Pierre Budiere analysis including the economic capital, cultural capital, social capital, symbolic capital, and created the analytical framework, the process of the network, and the system relations of the network. This research used in-depth interviews, semi-structured interview, social mapping, document study and focus group discussion. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The study of capital changing of Inpaeng Network can be divided into three periods as follows.
1) Focusing on People (1987 - 1996). The process of creating the network consisted of the following steps: (1) seeking the network core leaders; (2) creating awareness among co-members; (3) seeking the network members; (4) finding the appropriate pattern of network activities; and (5) creating community economic capital. The pattern of work for the network was the coordination of cooperation among people with potentials, and coordination with outside groups that collaborated to do activities similar to those of Inpaeng Network. The pattern of relationship was that of interpersonal relationship, relationships among relatives, close friends, and acquaintances. The communication system was that of the words-of-mount communication or persuasion. In this stage, the cultural capital and social capital are remarkable features of the relationship and the connection of the network.
2) Focusing on Project (1997 - 2006). The process of creating the network consisted of the following steps: (1) seeking the network core leaders; (2) finding the identity of the community; (3) creating identity of the community; and (4) seeking network members. The pattern of work for the network was the management of the project via supporting grants from the state with the focus on the target area. The pattern of relationship was that of negotiation and allocation of interests among groups. In this stage, Inpaeng Network could create clear and concrete social space and symbolic identity. Also in this stage, economic capital, the creation of self-identity and symbolic space via prototype persons had influences on learning process of the network.
3) Focusing on situation (2007- present). The process of creating the network consisted of the following steps: (1) creating collective intelligence; (2) reintroducing capital community process; and (3) seeking network members. The pattern of work for the network was that focusing on urgent issues. The pattern of relationship was that of a loose relationship based on important activities. The communications within the network had been adapted via modern technology such as Line or Facebook. At this stage, the cultural capital was a remarkable feature of the network and had been adapted for reapplication and reproduction based on the potential of the action performer.

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How to Cite
โกมินทรชาติ ร., & โควินท์ ช. (2018). INPAENG NETWORK: DYNAMIC AND CHANGING OF CAPITAL. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(1), 123–131. Retrieved from


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