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นิรมล บางพระ
สันทัด ทองรินทร์
มนวิภา วงรุจิระ


The purpose of this research was to develop the indicators for violence against women on television program. This research employed the sequential mixed-method. In the qualitative study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews of psychologists, academics on mass media of communication, professionals on mass media of communication, personnel from women organizations on anti-violence against women, and personnel from work agencies concerned with participation with and monitoring of the mass media. In the quantitative study, a questionnaire was employed for collecting data from 431 women across the country, and a television program analysis form was employed to analyze five television programs that showed violence against women. Qualitative data were analyzed with description and interpretation; while quantitative data were analyzed with factor analysis and correlation coefficient. The results showed that Indicators for violence against women on television program or the SLEV MODEL comprised 4 aspects: (1) the indicator in the aspect of sex (S) which consisted of 9 sub-indicators, (2) the indicator in the aspect of language (L) which consisted of 9 sub-indicators, (3) the indicator in the aspect of emotion (E) which consisted of 11 sub-indicators, and (4) the indicator in the aspect of behavioral violence (V) which consisted of 10 sub-indicators.

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How to Cite
บางพระ น., ทองรินทร์ ส., & วงรุจิระ ม. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF INDICATORS FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ON TELEVISION PROGRAM. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(2), 17–27. Retrieved from


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