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This research was conducted by using a mixed-methods research design. Its three main objectives were (1) to synthesize the items indicating the happiness of conducting quality assurance (QA) of lecturers in private higher education institutions (HEIs), (2) to analyze the factors of happiness of conducting quality assurance of lecturers in the private HEIs, and (3) to propose the guidelines for conducting quality assurance happily for the private HEIs in Thailand. The research sample consisted of 16 chairmen of internal and external assessors at the higher education level, and 477 lecturers in the private HEIs. Three types of research instruments were employed: (1) a document synthesis note taking form, (2) an in-depth interview form, and (3) a questionnaire. The data collection and analysis were divided into three phases, namely, Phase 1: Item Synthesis, with application of content analysis; Phase 2: Factor Analysis, with application of descriptive statistics and second order confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL version 8.80; and Phase 3: Guidelines Proposal, with application of content analysis. The research findings were as follows: (1) 135 items indicating the happiness of conducting quality assurance were identified and they were grouped into five factors with 14 indicators, namely, Factor 1:The Institution Factor comprising three indicators; Factor 2: The Administrator Factor comprising two indicators; Factor 3: Quality Assurance Team Factor comprising three indicators; Factor 4: The Lecturers Factor comprising four indicators; Factor 5: The Assessor Factor comprising two indicators; (2) the second order confirmatory factor analysis model of the happiness of conducting QA of the lecturers in the private HEIs was found to be in accord with empirical data with the Chi-Square (χ2) of 44.80, df = 33, p = 0.083, RMSEA = 0.027, GFI = 0.99, and AGFI = 0.96, and (3) the five guidelines for conducting QA happily for the private HEIs were proposed with 19 practical methods.
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