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วิสิทธิ์ ใจเถิง
สุบิน ยุระรัช
อรรณพ จีนะวัฒน์


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the state of using information technology for quality development of secondary school; (2) to develop and try out a model for quality development of secondary school by applying administrative information technology; and (3) to study the try-out results of the model for quality development of secondary school by applying administrative information technology. The research sample comprised two groups: (1) a group of 11 purposively selected secondary schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2 in the 2013 academic year; and (2) a group of school personnel consisting of 55 school administrators and 913 teachers and educational personnel from the schools in the first group. The sample size of school personnel in the second group was determined based on Yamane’s Sample Size Table. Three research instruments were employed: (1) a questionnaire on the state and problems of using information technology for quality development of secondary school, (2) an evaluation form to assess the satisfaction with the model for quality development of secondary school by applying administrative information technology, and (3) a survey form on results of internal and external quality assessment of the schools. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The findings revealed that (1) administrators, teachers and educational personnel perceived that the use of information technology for quality development of secondary school was at the high level in the dimension of personnel administration; while the problem of using information technology for quality development of secondary school was at the high level in the dimension of budget administration; recommendations from the study were that the administrators, teachers, and educational personnel would like to have the program that is systematic, easy to understand, with complete database, with operational manual, with security protection system, and can interact with the users; (2) the model for quality development of secondary school by applying the School ICT Program was composed of 4 programs designed for four groups of administrative work: Group 1: Academic Affairs Administration, Group 2: Budget Administration, Group 3: Personnel Administration, and Group 4: General Administration; and (3) as for try-out results of the model for quality development of secondary school by applying administrative information technology, it was found that the overall mean score from internal quality assessment of the secondary schools was 92.73, which was at the excellent level; while the overall mean score from the third round of external quality assessment of 89.37, which was at the good level; the school administrators, teachers and educational personnel of the schools were satisfied with both the School ICT Program and the model for quality development of secondary school at the highest level; their satisfaction could be ranked from high to low based on rating means as follows: the comprehensiveness and accuracy, the benefits, the suitability and the feasibility of the program. The suggestions were as follows: the program should provide for students to evaluate their teachers; the program should support procurement process; and the program should be able to link the information of students with the data of Personnel Administration Department.

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How to Cite
ใจเถิง ว., ยุระรัช ส., & จีนะวัฒน์ อ. (2018). A MODEL FOR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL BY APPLYING ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(2), 108–118. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/114940


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