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ธีรวุฒิ ใหม่เอี่ยม
สพลณภัทร ทองสอน
วิชิต สุรัตน์เรืองชัย


This research aims to: (1) develop a training program for security guards, (2) enhance basic competencies in work performance of security guards, and (3) evaluate the efficiency of the training program for security guards to enhance their basic competencies in work performance, and study the security guards’ attitude toward the security guard career. This study was conducted in accordance with the four phases of research and development process, namely, Phase 1: The study of basic information; Phase 2: The development of the training program; Phase 3: The try-out of the training program; and Phase 4: The evaluation and improvement of the training program. The try-out results showed that the developed training program was efficient based on the efficiency criteria. However, the training program was improved on its contents and training activities to enable it to be more efficient for subsequent training of security guards. The employed research instruments comprised (1) an interview form, (2) a questionnaire, (3) an achievement test on knowledge concerning work performance of security guards, and (4) a scale to assess security guard’s attitude toward the security guard career. Statistics for data analysis were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. Research findings showed that (1) the components of the developed training program were judged by the experts to be in accord and appropriate; (2) the post-training overall achievement mean score of the trainees were higher than their pre-training counterpart mean score at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (3) the post-training attitude toward the security guard career of the security guard trainees was higher than their pre-training counterpart attitude at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
ใหม่เอี่ยม ธ., ทองสอน ส., & สุรัตน์เรืองชัย ว. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SECURITY GUARDS TO ENHANCE THEIR BASIC COMPETENCIES IN WORK PERFORMANCE. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 26–35. Retrieved from


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