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ณัฐนันท์ ศิริเจริญ
กมลรัฐ อินทรทัศน์
ปิยฉัตร ล้อมชวการ


The key objective of this research was to propose a model of communication for media and information literacy from the Internet of Thai youths. The sample consisted of 52 first-year undergraduate students studying in the second semester of academic year 2013 at Huachiew Chalermprakiat University who were experienced Internet users. They were randomly selected from those who enrolled in four general-education courses; then they were divided into 4 groups of 13 students. The data were collected by questionnairing, testing, focus group discussion, informal interviews, observation, and discussion with the experts. The data were analyzed with the chi-square test, independent samples t-test, and content analysis. The research results were that the proposed model of communication for media and information literacy comprised three main components: (1) the main form of communication which was focused on interpersonal communication; (2) the main communication strategy which was focused on contents in teen dramas; and (3) The key media which was focused on using the Internet, especially the websites that were appropriately designed.

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ศิริเจริญ ณ., อินทรทัศน์ ก., & ล้อมชวการ ป. (2018). THE MODEL OF COMMUNICATION FOR MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY FROM THE INTERNET OF THAI YOUTHS. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 46–57. Retrieved from


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