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ธนภณ นิธิเชาวกุล


The objectives of this study are (1) to examine the potential and competitiveness in terms of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat of souvenir shop tourism cluster in Pattaya City, Chon Buri province, (2) to exchange knowledge on development of potential and sustainable competitiveness by forming into clusters among the small enterprise entrepreneurs and tourism related organizations in the area of Pattaya City, Chon Buri province, and (3) to determine shared guidelines for development of the tourism cluster involving small enterprise entrepreneurs and concerned organizations in the area of Pattaya City, Chon Buri province which lead to the upgrading of sustainable competitiveness of entrepreneurs.
This is a mixed-method study including both the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire on the state of business and market of souvenir shop entrepreneurs and interviewing 13 entrepreneurs or decision makers who are members of Pattaya City tourism cluster center and participated in the workshops on development of souvenir shop tourism cluster that were held five times covering five days and taking 20 hours. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis based on the “Diamond Model” for analysis of competitiveness of enterprise clusters.
The results revealed that entrepreneurs of souvenir shops who had knowledge and understanding on enterprise cluster exchanged knowledge and information on the business among each other, which was a main strength that facilitated the development of souvenir shop tourism cluster. Another important distinguished characteristic was the opening up of opportunities to learn new knowledge together with the exchange of experiences that lead to the widening of knowledge and easiness of understanding matters. Also, major factors affecting the successful mechanism of development of souvenir shop tourism cluster were the allocation of financial benefits to the business on the basis of mutual trust, the creation of positive attitudes of the members of the cluster, the creation of balance in the competition, and the combination of control and collaboration simultaneously with maintaining standardized quality of services including the connection with other industries from various areas which were key sources of the raw materials for souvenir shop entrepreneurs. Lastly, the government sector played a major role to integrate supports in connecting all sectors together which would result in leading toward effectiveness at the practice level.

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How to Cite
นิธิเชาวกุล ธ. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF SOUVENIR SHOP TOURISM CLUSTER OF SMALL ENTERPRISE ENTREPRENEURS IN PATTAYA CITY, CHON BURI PROVINCE. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 69–77. Retrieved from


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