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พจน์ ฟอร์ตี้
ฤๅเดช เกิดวิชัย
อิศราวุธ อ่อนน้อม


This study has 4 objectives: (1) to study the public participation, (2) to analyze the problems and obstacles of the public performance in the supervising commission at Metropolitan Police Station Administration (CMPSA), (3) to study the public expectations for public participation roles in CMPSA, and (4) to provide guidelines for development of public participation model in CMPSA in order to increase the management potential of the Metropolitan Police Station Administration. This study is a qualitative research which employed in-depth interviews, public forum meeting and focus group discussion. The key informants were people, who work as the supervising commission at CMPSA, the chairpersons of the community or the community representatives in the service areas of 9 police stations and the police officers who work as the supervising commission at CMPSA.
The results show that: (1) The public participation in CMPSA is based on the Regulations for Supervising Commission at Metropolitan Police Station Administration, B.E. 2006. The public participation is voluntary. The sharing of ideas, providing advices, and proposing of opinions are the most important main roles of public participation in CMPSA and the second main roles of the participants are providing and supporting resources. However, they do not participate in the evaluation. (2) The government sector problems are the lack of government budget, the lack of coordination, the lack of rules and practice guidelines, the lack of publicity and the lack of police cooperation. The public sector problems are the lack of knowledge, the lack of confidence in CMPSA, and the feeling of inequality in CMPSA. (3) Most people expect the people who are members of CMPSA to participate on the equal basis in the main roles and the authority of CMPSA excepting in the monitoring of the police performance and the implementation of CMPSA regulation on receiving the complaints concerning police performances. (4) The guidelines for development of the model for public participation in CMPSA in order to increase the management potential of the Metropolitan Police Station Administration comprise two parts as follows:
Part 1, the model of public participation in CMPSA is divided by structure and participation roles into the performance model under partial financial support from the government sector, and that of the public participation, financial support and other resources derived from the public sector.
Part 2, the management of public participation CMPSA is based on the "3Ps" factors of public participation in the CMPSA, which comprises the public factor, the participation factor, and the government factor which is the police.

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How to Cite
ฟอร์ตี้ พ., เกิดวิชัย ฤ., & อ่อนน้อม อ. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF A PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MODEL IN THE SUPERVISING COMMISSION AT METROPOLITAN POLICE STATION ADMINISTRATION. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 100–112. Retrieved from


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