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ยศพัทธ์ ศรีวิสทิยกุล
ณรงค์ สมพงษ์


The purposes of this research were (1) to develop an appropriate Ubiquitous Learning-Based Knowledge Management Model (uLearnKM Model) for organizations that use the strategy of outsourcing information technology support system; and (2) to study the results of trying out the uLearnKM Model in organization.
The experimental group for the try-out consisted of 40 workers in the employer and employee companies engaging in CUTE (Common Use Terminal Equipment) outsourcing project at Suvarnabhumi Airport. The research process was divided into three phases: (1) the preparation phase which included activities on studying, analysis and synthesis of related research studies and analysis of the context for development of the uLearnKM Model; (2) the development and try-out phase which included development of activities and information system in support of the knowledge management process in accordance with the uLearnKM Model, and the trying out of the Model; and (3) the evaluation phase in order to assess the success of application of the Model by measuring the service provision level, the amount of shared knowledge, the amount of explicit knowledge, and the opinions of the experimental group members concerning the suitability of implementing the process of the Model together with the normal work performance process.
The research findings showed that (1) the developed uLearnKM Model received approval from the experts at the highest level (overall approval mean = 4.63 out of 5); the Model was composed of 19 components in three main dimensions: key success factors in knowledge management, knowledge management process, and Ubiquitous learning; and (2) the results of trying out the developed uLearnKM Model in organization indicated that the Model’s knowledge management process was appropriate at the high level; the created explicit knowledge could be utilized to benefit the organization; and the outsourcer’s service quality level could still meet the organizational requirements.

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How to Cite
ศรีวิสทิยกุล ย., & สมพงษ์ ณ. (2018). A UBIQUITOUS LEARNING-BASED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MODEL LEADING TOWARDS THE SUCCESS OF OUTSOURCING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SERVICE IN ORGANIZATION. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(2), 42–52. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/116217


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