Behavior of Support to be Environmentally Friendly Hotel

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สานิตย์ หนูนิล


The hotel business is considered to be a very important business for economic development of the country and tends to expand further every year. However, this business plays its part in destroying the environment and has a relatively high level of natural resource exploitation in its operational process. Therefore, the hotel business has recently paid more attention to the importance of environmental problems, with actions taken via various approaches including promoting the awareness and participation behaviors of employees in the organization in solving and preventing environmental problems. This article aims to present the concepts of behaviors in support of being an environment-friendly hotel for organizations to apply in order to create an environment-friendly hotel in the future.

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How to Cite
หนูนิล ส. (2018). Behavior of Support to be Environmentally Friendly Hotel. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(2), 93–101. Retrieved from


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