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ยงยุทธ ชัยรัตนาวรรณ


Logistics and supply chain management is an important factor that enhances competitiveness in business and supports the upgrading of the country’s competitive capability in international trade and investment. This is because logistics and supply chain are considered as the core capital of entrepreneurs in operations of agricultural, industrial, and service industry sectors. The main functions of logistics management can be defined as the management of transfer of goods, service and Information from the point of origin to the destination. With integration of supply chain management, the system shall comprise the process of collection, planning and management of all activities involving the producers and the sellers of production resources. All business operational processes are connected as the chain or network in order to create continuous coordination resulting in lowering the operational cost and increasing the operational efficiency. If the logistics and supply chain management is efficiently implemented with full cooperation from all stakeholders from both the state and private sectors, it will lead to the increase of sustainable economic competitive capability of the country.

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ชัยรัตนาวรรณ ย. (2018). EVOLUTION OF LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(2), 129–138. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/116291


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