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ณภัทร ทิพย์ศรี
ปวีณ์สุดา มหาวงศ์
หนึ่งฤทัย บรรดิ บรรดิ


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the effects of service quality of travel business on the satisfaction of European tourists in Chiang Rai province; 2) the effects of service quality of travel business on the impression of European tourists in Chiang Rai province; and 3) the effects of the satisfaction on the impression of European tourists in Chiang Rai province. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument to collect data from 400 European tourists in Chiang Rai province. Statistical procedures employed for data analysis were the multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The research findings showed that the service quality of travel business in terms of service tangibility, responsiveness to service receivers, assurance for confidence of service receivers, and empathy with clients had positive effects on the satisfaction of European tourists in Chiang Rai province at the statistically significant level of 0.05, while service reliability did not have a significant positive effect on the satisfaction of European tourists. The service quality of travel business in terms of service tangibility, service reliability, responsiveness to service receivers, and assurance for confidence of service receivers had positive effects on the impression of European tourists in Chiang Rai province at the statistically significant level of 0.05, while empathy with clients did not have a significant positive effect on the impression of European tourists. Meanwhile, the European tourists’ satisfaction also had a positive effect on their impression at the statistically significant level of 0.05. Therefore, the travel business focusing on service quality could enhance satisfaction and impression of European tourists. Consequently, the findings of this research study could be employed as guidelines for improvement and development of tourist business toward service excellence and enhancement of service efficiency in the future.

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ทิพย์ศรี ณ., มหาวงศ์ ป., & บรรดิ ห. . บ. (2018). THE EFFECTS OF SERVICE QUALITY OF TRAVEL BUSINESS ON THE IMPRESSION OF EUROPEAN TOURISTS IN CHIANG RAI PROVINCE. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(2), 17–27. Retrieved from


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