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กันยารัตน์ ศรีวิสทิยกุล
สุรชัย ประเสริฐสรวย


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the collaboration-oriented
learning objects based on Constructivism Theory (COLOC); and 2) to assess the students’ leaning quality by authentic assessment.
The research sample consisted of 40 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University, who enrolled in the Introduction to E-Business Course in the first semester of academic year 2011.
The research methodology was divided into three phases. The First Phase was the synthesis of the model using focus group discussion to obtain ideas from the experts; the Second Phase was the development of research instruments and try-out of the developed model; and the Third Phase was the assessment of the students’ learning quality by authentic assessment.
The research findings showed that 1) the developed COLOC model was approved by experts as appropriate at the highest level; this model was composed of eight features and three phases of learning process; the eight features of the model were being digital media, learnability, congruency with learning objectives, granularity, reusability, adaptability, interoperability, and accessibility; it operated within the environment that facilitated social negotiation and sharing of understanding from collaborative learning based on three phases of constructivist learning process, namely, the preparation phase, the restructuration phase, and the application phase in other situations; and 2) the students’ overall learning quality based on results of authentic assessment was at the very good level.

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How to Cite
ศรีวิสทิยกุล ก., & ประเสริฐสรวย ส. (2018). COLLABORATION-ORIENTED LEARNING OBJECTS BASED ON CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(2), 28–37. Retrieved from


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