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นภเรณู สัจจรักษ์ ธีระฐิติ


The study on the Entering of Lifelong Learning of the Elderly People in the Northeastern Thailand is aimed at answering 3 main questions. Firstly, it examines the factors contributing to the increasing number of the elderly people entering into lifelong learning through the informal and non-formal education in the Northeastern Thailand. Secondly, it explores the roles of governmental sector and the local community in supporting the elders to join lifelong learning. The final objective is to find the extent to which lifelong learning has contributed to the increasing social, economic, and individual security, known as human security, of the elderly people in the Northeastern area. This study employs a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology using questionnaire, focus group and in-depth interview techniques.
The study demonstrates that there are 4 main factors which are considered integral to the increasing number of the elderly people entering into lifelong learning in the Northeast of Thailand, especially through the informal and non-formal education. These factors are personal experiences, self-concept, readiness and orientation to learn. The role of governmental sector such as those working in the local and the support from the community are supplementary factors which help promote the interest of the elders to join lifelong learning. In addition, the study shows that lifelong learning through the informal and non-formal education has increased the elder’s economic, social and personal security.

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How to Cite
ธีระฐิติ น. ส. (2018). THE ENTERING OF LIFELONG LEARNING OF THE ELDERLY PEOPLE IN THE NORTHEASTERN THAILAND. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(2), 54–68. Retrieved from


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