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พรหทัย ตัณฑ์จิตานนท์


The purposes of this research were to compare the undergraduate students’ creative English writing proficiency before and after using Synectic Technique and to compare their abilities in using Synectic Technique with the varieties of creative English writing activities . The target group consisted of 35 undergraduates ( Business English ) who enrolled Writing 2 in the second semester of the 2009 academic year at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Mai. The research instruments were 6 creative English writing ability plans and the creative English writing ability tests implemented before and after using each lesson plan. The finding of the study revealed that the students’ mean scores of the creative English writing ability post-test after using Synectic Technique were 19.30 percent higher than those of the pre-test and the creative English writing activity on the stimulus of tasting showed the highest post-test score at 39.00 percent and followed by the English writing activity on the stimulus of pictures (at 29.60 percent ) and smelling respectively (at 16.20 percent ).

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ตัณฑ์จิตานนท์ พ. (2018). USING SYNECTIC TECHNIQUE TO DEVELOP CREATIVE ENGLISH WRITING PROFICIENCY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(2), 69–84. Retrieved from


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