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อัมพร ธำรงลักษณ์


The impacts of baby boom and baby bust together with the public sector’s manpower streamlining strategic initiative (2006-2008) led to the massive loss of workforce through the early retirement programs and the freezing of new recruitment adopted by the government. The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), as a national research organization, is currently facing the shortage of manpower and in urgent need of comprehensive succession planning in the next 5-10 years. The main purposes of this study were to analyze the strategic directions of NRCT and search for problems and issues influencing and obstructing its strategic workforce planning. A comparative study between workforce demand and supply was also conducted and analyzed to find the “gap” or the differences in the need for and the existence of manpower in reality. The results provided significant information for proposing action plans for personnel determination at different positions in NRCT.

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ธำรงลักษณ์ อ. (2018). WORKFORCE PLANNING IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS: A CASE OF NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THAILAND (NRCT). Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(2), 115–128. Retrieved from


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