Thailand Sustainability Investment Designation and Market-Based Performance of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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This study investigates the impact of Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) designation on stock prices of Thailand listed companies. Stock prices as a proxy for financial performance, to measure the perception and reaction of financial markets to the firms’ THSI designation. The samples in this study are 484 firms. Secondary data was gathered via SETSMART database, and then analyzed using descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample characteristics. The inferential statistic that using for the analysis of the correlation of the variables is multiple regression analysis. The study finds that the THSI designation positively impacts on stock prices. The findings will help firms’ stakeholders, policymakers, academics, as well as managers, to improve their perception of the impact of THSI designation on the market performance of the firm. The findings should incentivize the manager to decide in the related practices.
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