The Development of Instructional Model Based on Social Constructivism to Enhance Communicative Skills and Soft Skills of Grade 12 Students for Learning English Subject

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รณชิต อภัยวาทิน


This research objectives were (1) to develop the instructional model based on Social Constructivism to enhance communicative skills and soft skills of Grade 12 students for learning English subject and (2) to study the effective results of using this instructional model. This research and development consisted of two phases. The samples were 35 students of Grade 12 at Kowittamrong Chiang Mai School studying in language arts program in academic year 2023, selected by using purposive sampling. The instruments were (1) the Achievement test, (2) the Communicative skills assessment form, (3) the Collaborative skills and Problem-solving skills assessment form, and (4) the Attitude towards the instructional model questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, t-test one sample, and relative gain scores. The research results revealed that (1) the developed instructional model consisting of five elements which were 1) the principle, 2) the objective, 3) the learning activity, 4) the evaluation, and 5) the supporting factors in the learning activity, and (2) The students, had a higher score than before teaching with it significantly at 0.05. Moreover, these students had relative gain scores in communicative skills at 51.85, soft skills in collaborative skills at 54.64 with high progress level, and problem-solving skills at 37.15 with moderate progress level. Also, the students’ attitude towards learning according this instructional model was at the highest level. 

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How to Cite
อภัยวาทิน ร. (2024). The Development of Instructional Model Based on Social Constructivism to Enhance Communicative Skills and Soft Skills of Grade 12 Students for Learning English Subject. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 24(1), 138–150. Retrieved from


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