Reducing C-source in Non-recycling Denitrification Fluidized Bed Reactor

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สุภาณี โนใหม่
พัชรียา รุ่งกิจวัฒนานุกูล
วิบูลย์ลักษณ์ พึ่งรัศมี
ชัยพร ภู่ประเสริฐ


This research focus on the reduction of carbon source usage in a denitrification process. A fluidized bed reactor (FBR) that operated under anaerobic condition with non-internal recirculation using granular rubber as media. The FBR was fed with a fixed nitrate concentration wastewater as 100 mg/L and glucose was added as external carbon source. The experiment consisted of three experimental approaches. The first step is the FBR start-up in order to enrich the microorganism and induce the biofilm formation on the media. The FBR was fed with wastewater containing COD: NO3- -N of 5:1 and the result showed that nitrate and COD removal efficiencies were 97.59±8.30% and 85.50±9.07%, respectively. Afterwards, the FBR was fed with COD:NO3- - N ratio of 1:1, to evaluate the FBR performance under low COD:NO3- -N ratio. The result presented that the nitrate reduction efficiency was decreased to 25.93±9.89. Then in the last step, the carbon step-fed experiment was performed. The various COD:NO3- -N ratio contained wastewater were fed into the FBR to find the highest reactor performance in term of nitrate and COD removal efficiency. The results demonstrated that at COD:NO3- - N ratio about 3.6:1, the FBR gave the highest nitrate and COD removal efficiencies as 96.86±3.65%and 95.74±1.84%, respectively. Furthermore, the carbon step-fed can be used to reduce the addition of external carbon source in denitrification process, provided high efficiency of nitrate and COD removal.

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