Duration of Elevated Starting Temperature Influencing Food Waste Composting

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Panuh kanong
Jareerat Sakulrat


This study aims to improve composting efficiency by elevating starting temperature at mesophilic phase in order to accelerate microbial activities. The controlled starting temperature at 40°C was applied for 12 and 24 hours to a pile of synthetic food waste in the designed composting reactor compared with conventional composting process. Composting parameters such as temperature, mesophilic and thermophilic bacterial quantity were investigated. It was found that controlled starting temperature at 40°C for different duration showed significant enhancement in composting temperature profile, maximum temperature and bacterial quantity compared to the conventional condition.  Moreover, the condition of 40°C elevated temperature at duration of 24 hours exhibited the higher maximum temperature and bacteria quantities compared to that of 12 hours. It is concluded that the composting efficiency can be improved by using suitable duration of controlled starting temperature.

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Research Articles


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