Composition and Functional Responses of Microbial Community to Temperature and Substrate in Anaerobic Digestion Process

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Mujalin K. Pholchan
Koontida Chalermsan
Piyanuch Niamsup
Srikanjana Klayrueng


This study investigated the impact of two important key factors including temperature and substrate on microbial community in the anaerobic co-digestion process of septage and longan peel waste by temperature phased anaerobic digesters (TPAD). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and metagenomics sequencing was used to analyzed microbial community structures. The DGGE and cluster analysis results clearly indicated that substrate and temperature strongly influence the structure of bacterial populations. Significant differences of microbial communities were observed from both TPADs digesters. Also, co digestion with longan associated with the changes of bacterial community structure in TPAD system. It was found that Firmicutes Bacteroidetes Cloacimonetes Tenericutes and Proteobacteria were most dominant bacterial phyla in TPAD systems. High number of Firmicutes and Tenericutes were detected from mesophilic tank, while Bacteroidetes and Cloacimonetes were found from thermophilic reactor. Moreover, each of the digesters harbored distinct yet dynamic microbial populations, and some of the methanogens were significantly correlated with methane productions. Methanosarcina and Methanothermobacter appeared to be the most dominant methanogenic genera in both digesters operated with different temperatures. The microbiological findings may help understand the metabolism that underpins the anaerobic processes within each of the two digesters of TPAD systems co-digesting septage and agricultural waste.

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