Removal of Turbidity, COD and Coliform Bacteria in Duck-Pond Water by Hydroponic Water Convolvulus Gardening

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Sreyneang Sim
Chompoonut Sinlawatpongsakul
Nantiwat Somngam
Phumin Phunumkhang
Petch Pengchai


The objective of this research is to investigate the performance of hydroponic water convolvulus gardening in the removal of turbidity, COD, and coliform bacteria from duck-pond water. The experiment was done using 2 hydroponic gardening sets in the condition of 5-day HRT and 7-day HRT separately for a 42-day operation. The results showed that removal efficiencies were 89.39 ± 7.73% for turbidity and 77.48 ± 11.25% for COD at the 5-day HRT, and were 91.79 ± 6% for turbidity and 75.01 ± 18.41% for COD for the 7-day HRT. And removal efficiencies of total coliform bacteria and E. coli were 87.0 ± 15.3% and 94.5 ± 13.6% for 5-day HRT operation, and 81.5 ± 11.7% and 99.8 ± 0.5% for 7-day HRT operation. According to t-test results at the confidence level of 95%, the system showed no difference in removal efficiencies at both HRTs. The effluent from the systems had turbidity and COD in ranges of 5.52-40.10 NTU and 4.77-81.60 mg/L, respectively which passed the quality standard of effluent from the domestic wastewater treatment. Due to the surface water quality standard, total coliform bacteria and E. coli concentrations of the effluent were in the range of 0-31.8 CFU/100ml which could be used for full-body contact. However, the water convolvulus grown in the hydroponic systems should be well washed and inspected for residual bacteria before eating due to its high level of fecal coliforms (240 to 930 MPN/g).

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