Climate Friendly Technology for Domestic Wastewater; Comparative Study of Activated Sludge Process and Facultative Pond

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Pattra Chewathai
Wilasinee Yoochatchaval


This study compared greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from activated sludge process (AS) and facultative pond (FP). The GHG emissions were estimated from 4 centralized wastewater treatment plants in urban areas of Thailand. The study was conducted by collecting data for 3 years to estimate GHG emissions by the IPCC method. The results show that AS had low methane (CH4) emissions. GHG emissions from electricity consumption were the major source of GHG emissions accounting for 46 - 79% of total GHG emissions at the study sites. Total GHG emissions of AS and FP were 0.13 - 0.32 and 0.17 - 0.30 kgCO2eq/m3, respectively. The AS had lower direct GHG emissions than the FP, although there were indirect GHG emissions from electricity consumption.

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