Effects of an Electrokinetic Barrier to Inhibit Heavy Metal Absorption in Rhizophora mucronata Seedlings

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Ivan de La Grange
Jenyuk Lohwacharin
Chadtip Rodtassana


Developing an electrokinetic barrier to hinder mangrove seedlings from heavy metal absorption is a novel technology for conducting mangrove reforestation within contaminated environments. In this study, the objectives were to discover a hydroponic solution that offers favorable plant responses for mangrove seedlings and to investigate this environment under a micro-electric field and/or a heavy metal (HM) presence. For 15 weeks, Rhizophora mucronata seedlings were grown hydroponically in containers encompassing unique conditions: the control, 1 ml nutrient solution (NS)/L, and 1.5 ml NS/L. Seedlings from 1.5 NS had the greatest mean regarding the number of roots (p < 0.05), but the 1 mL NS had the largest mean for root diameter (p < 0.05), along with thicker roots and more leaf development also observed. An electrokinetic experiment was performed to compare a direct current of 10 V/m and 20 V/m in a HM solution consisting of 1 ml NS/L with ZnSO4·7H2O (400 mg/L), CrCl3·6H2O (400 mg/L), and CdCl2·2.5H2O (1.5 mg/L). 10 V/m caused a statistically significant migration for Cd and Cr, whereas 20 V/m was required for Zn, respectfully. When comparing the nitrate to phosphate ratios and pH between HM and HM plus electric current (EC), the margins of difference were less substantial for 10 V/m than 20 V/m. It can be concluded that 1 ml NS/L and 10 V/m is preferable for future electrokinetic barrier design, but because HMs affect the pH values of hydroponic solution greater than natural soil conditions, the HM concentration must be reduced for mangrove tolerability accordingly.

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