The Relationship Between Saving Behavior and Tourism Behavior of Foreign Tourists in Thailand


  • Siripen Dabphet Naresuan University
  • Parichart Rachapradit Naresuan University
  • Ketwadee Buddhabhumbhitak Naresuan University


Saving Behavior, Travel Behavior, Foreign Tourists


Spending a holiday overseas involves large amount of expenditure and thus requires careful budgetary planning. Sources of funds are therefore expected to affect behavior while travelling. This study aims to investigate the relation between saving behavior and tourist behavior of foreign tourists in Thailand. Quantitative study method with opinion survey is adopted by using questionnaires as data collection tools with 451 respondents. Chi-square test is employed to detect the relationship between variables. The results reveal that having voluntary saving influences trip arrangement, length of stay, and choices of accommodations and mode of local transportation. Also, saving motives affect size of travel party, as well as choices of accommodations and mode of local transportation. The research results could be used to designate marketing strategy implication for tourism industry.


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How to Cite

Dabphet, S., Rachapradit, P., & Buddhabhumbhitak, K. (2021). The Relationship Between Saving Behavior and Tourism Behavior of Foreign Tourists in Thailand. Thammasat Journal, 40(1), 59–83. retrieved from


